
Affichage des articles du janvier, 2020

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This is so bad. this is very bad when I have to do something, but I don't feel like doing it. It's really bad. Now that I'm writing this, I'm studying for my final exams. But Now that you read this, I finished my exams. When I was a kid, I was that kind of students who work hard... really hard, just to be one of the top 3 of the class or the school. Now that I'm "almost" 23, I wonder how have I changed ? and why ? I'm not thinking the same anymore, at all. I changed, yes, I  changed. Because I believed in a thing. NOTHING and NOBODY can tell me who I am or "chno kanswa", neither my grades/results. Since I am satisfied about myself, my efforts and my results, I'm Okay 💯. Because what/who defines me, is me. If I let others tell me what to do and what to be, I'm "killing" myself then. Oups, it's a strong word, but it's the most illustrative one. I'll tell you why. If I give up myself to others, if I let t